Sarangkot to Naudanda Day Hiking

Just above the Lakeside, there is a beautiful green hilltop which is the place of sunrise and Paragliding named Sarangkot.

  • START:1 Day
  • GRADE:Easy

About Sarangkot to Naudanda Day Hiking in detail:

Just above the Lakeside, there is a beautiful green hilltop which is the place of sunrise and Paragliding named Sarangkot. It is one of the important scenic touristy places in the northern part of Pokhara. Every day hundreds of tourist visit and fly down to Pokhara by paragliding. When we get up early in the morning, then we drive to Sarangkot and observe the panoramic view of the mountain with the golden sun. The golden mountain lures everyone.

After having some picture in our camera and relax then we hike to Naudanda. On the top of the hill toward Naudanda, we walk on a trail through the Goptakalika temple. The Goptakalika is one of the historical places where a king rules in Kaski district before Nepal was unified. Here we find perfect nature view of Mountains such as Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Manasalu range as well as experiences the rural lifestyle, farming terrace, Fewa Lake and dense jungle. After ending our hiking at Naudand, we take our lunch and rest on a hotel or drive back to Pokhara.
Sarangkot to Naudanda day hiking is designed for that visitor who really loves nature and wants to do trekking but does not have lots of time for trekking. It makes refreshment and relaxing. Adventure Mountain treks and Expedition provide the trip anytime in a year.